Esther Honey Foundation
Esther Honey Foundation
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Saturday, December 26, 2009


Not only do we get money, drugs, and animal food donated but the locals also like to support us by giving us the occasional human food supply which we enjoy very much. The locals here are very generous and will often give of themselves if they know someone is in need. Some examples of things that have been donated just since I've been here (about a month now) are bunches of bananas and lychee, lettuces, tomatoes, papayas, and other fresh produce. We have also had cakes baked for us which come in many varieties including Banana, Chocolate marble, and just today a delicious fruit cake. Also, while  I was out earlier this week, I was told we had a visit from some government officials from New Zealand who dropped off two bottles of sparkling Sauvignon Blanc and some chocolates for our Christmas dinner. We are truly blessed.

At this point I would also like to thank the local fish market "4 Sail fish" for donating all the food that we had been feeding Petey our petrel. This fish was a great aid in nursing the giant bird back to health so we could release her into the ocean where she belongs.