Esther Honey Foundation
Esther Honey Foundation
Volunteer Veterinary Services
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Monday, January 30, 2012

Keeping busy

With one more sleep till I go on holiday (or, more accurately, I go on a giant shopping spree!) there is plenty to be done! Our raffle tickets have finally been printed and should start selling today (there’s some pretty awesome prizes if I do say so myself, so be sure to check it out on our Facebook site), and there are seven vet students plus two assistants to keep busy. Which means, with any luck, you won’t even notice I’m gone!

Gregg put his back out helping to lift a 50+ kg dog, most of us have a cold that is going around, we have had surprise parents visits, the car had a wee accident and we temporarily misplaced a mama cat (luckily, she quite liked her kittens and came back when the rain stopped bless her), but things at the clinic continue to plod along as per ever.

Francis – for those who know her – has made amazing progress this week and is now intermittently getting up for a run when she sees food. A pretty impressive break, considering none of us gave her half a chance. For those who don’t know who Francis is, check out her case study on the Facebook site too.

Our current vet students are incredibly eager, and we have spent a lot of the previous week having suturing lessons and tests, and generally putting them on the spot with awkward questions; they are living up to it with gusto. Go Massey students! I happen to know that their singing is also pretty impressive; and for this we didn’t even make it as far as a karaoke bar.
There are five unbelievably sweet puppies in for rehoming, all from different litters, and all have been introduced to their first few swimming lessons in our on-site hydrotherapy pool (ie the beach). We hope to have them all rehomed by the end of the week; I have the volunteers on a gold star basis for numbers of animals rehomed and we are having a great month for successful adoptions. Who would have thought?

I wish everyone a fabulous start to February, and you shall hear next week from someone new and exciting!