Esther Honey Foundation
Esther Honey Foundation
Volunteer Veterinary Services
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Saturday, March 24, 2012

A fond farewell

Hey Esther Honey Foundation supporters, Marg here! If you follow our blog consistently, you’ll recognize me from the few posts I wrote while Jess was away on holiday back in January. As I wrap up my last week at the Clinic, I feel compelled to write a final entry and share some reflections on my experience as an Esther Honey volunteer. First, can I just say how time flies! I can’t believe it’s already been almost five months since I stepped off the plane at the Rarotonga airport. Since then, I have gained much invaluable veterinary-related insight and knowledge from the volunteers and staff around me. I have also developed a genuine respect for the hard work Esther Honey does every day in ensuring the health of the Rarotongan animal population despite the never-ending challenges of being a not-for-profit organization with very limited resources.

As a free animal clinic relying completely on the generosity of others in donating funds, supplies, and/or time, we learn to use what resources we have wisely, and often find ourselves devising treatment strategies that really put our knowledge and innovativeness to the test. Although it is difficult to not always have the capability to do what we would like, it has been inspiring to see what a difference we can still make for animals that just 17 years ago had absolutely no veterinary care available to them.

As someone with aspirations to become a veterinarian, I know that I will always remember the incredible vets that I have encountered at Esther Honey—Individuals whose compassion for animals and love of adventure has led them to leave paid jobs to volunteer on a remote island in desperate need of their help. If that doesn’t demonstrate a truly committed veterinarian, I don’t know what does!

Thank you Esther Honey for providing me with such a life changing opportunity, and to all of you supporters out there, whether it be through “liking” us on Facebook, volunteering , and/or making donations— keep it up! I can tell you from firsthand experience that the Esther Honey Foundation is well worth the investment. : )

Yours truly,


P.S. If any future volunteers want to get in touch to learn more about life as an Esther Honey, please don’t hesitate to get in touch: